Here are the other cards I made last week. I’m finally getting caught up. The words are Joy, His Presence, Glory, Fruit, Desire, Creator, Wisdom, Time.
I create these using PSE7 (Photoshop Elements 7) and Digital kits from my favorite on line stores. I then print them out on HP presentation paper. Cut them out. Glue to 4x4 coasters. (both sides) I then add a little extra bling. Sometimes ribbon, sometimes stickles. sometimes flowers etc. I punch a hole in one corner and put them all on a large binder ring. By year end I will have 26 cards, for a total of 52 scriptures.
Sweet Shoppe Designs – Ocean side. Font – Viner Hand

Weeds and Wildflowers – Flowers , Wings, and Growing Things. Font – Monotype corsiva
Sweet Shoppe Designs – Natural Beauty. Font – CK Becky.
Sweet Shoppe Designs – Family Roots
Sweet Shoppe Designs – Jenn and Dean. Font - Tahoma
Designs by Krista – Spring Breeze
Shabby Miss Jenn – Grandmas Garden.