Pronunciation: \ˈspe-shəl\
Function: adjective
1 : distinguished by some unusual quality; especially : being in some way superior <our special blend>
2 : held in particular esteem <a special friend>
3 a : readily distinguishable from others of the same category : unique <they set it apart as a special day of thanksgiving> b : of, relating to, or constituting a species : specific
4 : being other than the usual : additional, extra
5 : designed for a particular purpose or occasion
— spe·cial·ness noun
synonyms special, especial, specific, particular, individual mean of or relating to one thing or class. special stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own <special ingredients>. especial may add implications of preeminence or preference <a matter of especial importance>. specific implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species <children with specific nutritional needs>. particular stresses the distinctness of something as an individual <a ballet step of particular difficulty>. individual implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group <valued each individual opinion>.
I even created an Easel card like hers.

Products used: Verve – Feel the Sun. CTMH – Cocoa, Cranberry. SU Scrap paper. SU punch. Button. Twine. Stickles. CTMH tulip ribbon.

Enjoy! Create! Simplify!

Lookin' great Michele!! Love the flower you created!!
That looks very nice. I need to try doing that.
Your wonderfully unique Michele! Have a awesome Mothers day!
Very pretty! I love the stamping on DP
Wow, wow! Michelle! Your card is so pretty. . .well done! I love what you did with the flower. . .such pretty layers. . .you did a fabulous job with last week's SPS challenge! I love that you made an easel card too! thank you for playing along . . .your cards are always beautiful!
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