Sunday, November 14

Fall Splendor

I grabbed my camera yesterday.  It was a cool, overcast and kind of gloomy day.   I figured I could find something good to photograph out in the backyard.   I am so thankful that I live in a part of the country where I get to experience the four seasons.   I am amazed at the beauty of all of God’s creations!  

My roses still look like this even though we’ve had temps down in the 20’s.


What beauty can you find in your backyard?

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Scrappy Girl said...

This is a bad time to ask me that question. Our dog just got into the trash can and it is all over the back yard. Ugh. Love all your pics. I love getting my camera out and just walking around the farm taking photos.

Barbara said...

I can totally relate to this post as I often take my camera out with me in the back yard to take a few snap shots. I love your pics my fav are the 3rd and 4th. Have a great Sunday

ArtfulLee Designed said...

I love these shots, Michelle. The rose is a beautiful colour and I love the autumn colours.I think I have to get my camera out more often.

CB said...

I too am glad to live where we see all four seasons. I don't have any roses left but our grass is still green - kind of amazing and our leaves have been falling and so beautiful.
Love your pictures, especially the one looking up through the tree.

Diane said...

Wowzers! Beautiful nature pics!