Week 4 already. The year is slipping away.
The word of the week is JOY.
My life is busy. I find it a joyous occasion when I find time to sit in my craft room and create. Today was one of those days.
Be Creative!

Week 4 already. The year is slipping away.
The word of the week is JOY.
My life is busy. I find it a joyous occasion when I find time to sit in my craft room and create. Today was one of those days.
Be Creative!
We have had a cold and foggy Winter. The fog won’t let Mr. Sunshine peek through it, so it makes for a dark and dreary day. It has been really thick at my end of the valley. Some mornings I can barely see the lines on the road as I’m driving to work in the wee hours of the morning. We have had fog for about 5 days. I’m getting tired of it.
One thing about the fog, and the cold weather; it covers everything with glittery white frost. It is quite beautiful when a hint of sunshine hits it. I was able to take a couple of pictures of my frost covered trees.
Can’t you just imagine all of the little frost fairies dancing around with their magic wands covering the world with beauty?
I’m going to try and make this year’s project 52 theme to be “All About Me”. Each picture will be something about me; which may include a few selfies.
This weeks theme is INSIDE.
I took a picture of myself, sitting in my recliner fairly early in the day with the daylight shining in through the window. This is my favorite time of the day. I sit here and relax, read, study or possibly watch a movie.
Canon Rebel T3i - F5.0 – 85mm - ISO 200 Action: B/W Sunshine/Little Lusker – Essence of the Sun.
Be Creative!
The theme for this week is IMPERFECT. How do you take a picture of that? My hours are limited to pack my camera around. It’s dark when I leave for work and it’s dark when I get home. My daylight hours are usually on weekends.
Today as I got home from the gym, I took off my shoes and was looking at my ugly feet. I really need to get a pedicure. Winter feet are ugly and imperfect; especially after wearing running shoes and working out. The more I workout and run, the uglier they get. It’s a price that I have to pay. As I work on improving my body, my feet are paying the price.
It was such a pretty day Saturday. The fog had lifted. The sun was out. And the sky was blue with only a couple of clouds. I had cabin fever. I wanted out of the house. I decided to grab my camera bag and hit the road. I took a drive South of town to the desert.
This is what the desert of Southwest Idaho looks like. It is about 8 miles from my house.
Off in the distance you get a glimpse of the Owyhee Mountains.
Isn’t it lovely? Nothing but sagebrush and lava rock for miles. It actually looks kind of pretty this time of year with the little bit of snow patches here and there.
The pretty blue sky and sunshine was very deceiving. There was a breeze and it had quite a bite to it. I drove to Dedication Point off Swan Falls Road and hiked down the trail to the lookout.
Below in the canyon runs the Snake River. What a beautiful sight. Despite my numb fingers, pink nose and my hair blowing wildly in all directions; I took several shots.
Even though I was chilled to the bone, it was a nice little hike and it felt good to get out of the house. I need to plan a few more of these adventures. I think its time to get a new Four Wheeler. Does anyone want to join me?
Ok.. I’ve tried doing project52 before. I’m going to try again. Basically you take one photo a week for 52 weeks. The group leader will give the word for the week. I am doing it with the M4H project52 group. You can get all of the details HERE. There is a Facebook group and a Flicker group. Again….. all of the details HERE. It is kind of intimidating doing this project because a majority of the group are professional photographers and they take really good photos. They are such an inspiration and I love all of the creative ideas.
The theme for week one is REFLECTIVE.
adjective: reflective
providing a reflection; capable of reflecting light or other radiation.
“reflective glass”
produced by reflection.
“a colorful reflective glow”
relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful.
“a quiet, reflective, astute man”
I really want to work on my photo skills, and take more photos. I chose to take a picture of myself, looking into a mirror with my camera. Photo was edited with the new action set ENVISION from Little Lusker. I used effect SWEETS. If you get her newsletter, she is offering 25% right now.
Real quick cuz it is after the holidays, Christmas is over and all the goodies are put away until next year. Here are a couple of things I painted for others.
I took these late at night real quick so the pictures aren’t the best. It seems I have less and less time to do what I love. I really need to do something about that. The problem is that I have too many things that I love :) I signed up for a Project52 again this year. What was I thinking? It may turn into a project 12.
Wishing you the best New Year ever!!