This is a picture I made for the Young Women at church for a lesson that I taught.
I used a photo I took this summer of a bee enjoying the lavender in my garden.
Font used: MichelleDurheim

This is a picture I made for the Young Women at church for a lesson that I taught.
I used a photo I took this summer of a bee enjoying the lavender in my garden.
Font used: MichelleDurheim
We have had a beautiful Fall. Today was in the low 70’s. I think it will be our last warm day. Tomorrow will be the low 50’s. Winter is on the way.
I’ve been working on a couple of Fall projects.
I made this wreath using old canning rings. They were old and rusty. I painted some of them orange and some of them white. After the paint was dry, I wrapped them with various Washi Tape. I then tied a burlap ribbon at the top and hung by my front door.
I painted this cute little Halloween shelf sitter and added some vinyl to it. I finished it off with some spatters of paint.
A little decor by my front door.
My trees are starting to turn colors and are covering the grass. The sun was shining, with a few clouds in the sky so I grabbed my camera. I love Fall colors.
And the bees are still buzzing around the little bit of blooming lavender that I have in the front of my house.
I hope your Fall has been as beautiful as mine! Time to start creating for Christmas!!
Be Creative!
Do you doodle? I’ve been a doodler for as long as I remember. I’m constantly drawing shapes on paper. I have a hard time sitting still. Not always; but most of the time. If you’ve read my blog for very long you’ll see that I tolepaint (decorative painting), paper craft, do digital scrapbooking, art journaling, play the piano, a little bit of photography and a few other random things. I guess you can say I use the right side of my brain.
For my profession, I am a computer programmer. I always analyze things and I’m good at math and science. (so are all of my kids) I am pretty anal and like to have everything in it’s place. I like everything nice and organized which makes me efficient; or a time manager.
I wonder how many people use both sides of their brains equally? What side of the brain do you use? Or do you use both sides?
Last April, during General Conference (you can read about it HERE) or you can view all of the talks HERE, I decided to put my doodling to good use. As I listened to the speakers I wrote down words that impressed me and started doodling; aka Sketching. I used my Strathmore Bristol Smooth 12x12 pad and a couple of journaling pens; American Crafts Memory Maker and Prismacolor .05. They both are permanent black ink. I don't use a pencil; I just go for it.
This is what happened. It was good therapy.
I didn’t make anything else until September when we had the General Women’s meeting for all females ages 8 and up. I wasn’t able to attend, but I watched all of the speakers HERE.
This is what I created.
I had a friend ask me to make one for her with a Young Women’s theme. Shewants to give as gifts to the Young Women in her ward. I should have thought of this since I was in my wards Young Women Presidency for 2 1/2 years.
A couple of days ago I was given the name of a local printer. I’m hoping to take to them and have them scan and print me a few copies (probably of all three). I want a good image that I can share with others.
I tried to take good pictures. I had to set them on a flat surface, climb on a ladder and take some shots.
Are you a doodler? Do you put your talents that Heavenly Father gave to you to good use?
I can’t believe my Grandson turned 7 last month. He’s in first grade this year. He’s getting so big and smart, too. He’s at the silly age. Can you tell?
I love this face!
Spiderman took quite a few good hits before he finally fell.
Kendall has a pretty good swing, too.
Grammy loves you!
It’s been a couple of years since we were at the Oregon Coast. I love it there. We were there the first week in September and the weather was beautiful. It was the high 80’s most of the week. We had a couple of days just over 90. It was crazy hot! The ocean breeze made it bearable, though.
We love to crab in Newport at Yaquina Bay. This is the bridge from the crabbing pier. The seagulls were yelling…. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. the entire time.
Sunset from the house where we were staying. There is a tiny view of the ocean just under the sun.
One day we drove North, between Lincoln City and Tillamook and stock several times.
Depoe Bay is a tiny little bay. The little town is where several whales live and hang out all year long.
Our house is near Gleneden Beach. The rest of our week we stayed South of Lincoln City.
We saw several whales at every stop, spouting not far in the distance.
One day it was a little overcast and the whales were almost to shore in Depoe Bay. It was late afternoon as the sun was going down. Two young ones, about 20-30 feet were right up against the rocky shore feeding.
It was hard to come home. We love it there!