It was the October Stamp Of the Month; Magical Season. You have a chance to win it!!! Here is what you have to do. Post a message on this date: November 1st .
Let me know what makes the holiday season magical for you! I will draw a random number Saturday November 10th. Good Luck!!
The magical thing for me is the music. I LOVE Christmas music as it always puts me in a good mood.
What makes my Christmas season magical is just the love and laughter of my family being together!! We moved away from my hometown area about two years ago and so, moved away from my parents and brother's family. I hate only seeing them once every couple of months when I used to see them every week! So I just love to soak in every minute of the holiday season with them!!!
I love it all...carols, the tree, cookies, crafting, time with the kids...I could go on and on!
what I enjoy doing the most is during the Christmas Day nba games, I write out all my checks for charity and then put them in the mail.
we do not exchange gifts or even put up a tree etc. But I do get into the gifting to my charities and singing songs while doing it.
I love all the colors and excitement that is associated with Christmas. I am a child at heart and just love making things for christmas and giving them away too. Spending time with family and friends and of course the Christmas Turkey.
Tks for the chance of winning blog candy.
This year for sure what is going to make it magical is when my kids (2 sons and a D-I-L)land at the airport and I bring them home for a week. I miss them so much!
Fabulous candy!! The holidays are special for me when we can share and show our kids what it really means when you say it's better to give than to receive....and they get it!! ;-)
I love that stamp set.
I love the holidays because of all of the traditional things we do--cookie exchanges, family Christmas, our downtown lighting of the tree, etc.
Linda Peterson
To me what makes X-mas magical more so now that I'm grown ( is seeing my children get excited about the holidays and the twinkle they get when they see everything dressed up and the awe that they feel when they know that they are going to see Santa. Its so beatiful to know that I am helping them have memories they will cherish and be able to share w/their children. As my mother did for me and my brother
It makes Christmas "magical" that it is a time to remember the Christ that Christmas stands for.
Its the christmas tree with softly glowing lights. I love sitting near the tree with all the other lights out and just watching the lights.
The holidays are magical to me when family is together. If we don't spend them with family, they just don't feel the same! Thanks for sharing.
What makes the Christmas season magical to me is how all the beautiful lights sparkle in the night. I also love spending time with family and friends and singing Christmas carols by candlelight seems to bring the real reason for the season close to heart.
The excitement in my daughter's eyes makes the holiday season magical to me. I love how she looks at the ornaments on the tree and trys to sneek peeks into the presents! Thanks - beautiful stamp set!!
Cheryl KVD
The whole nine yards... the smells, the colors, the music, the foods, the family and friends, the gift giving and the shopping. I love it all.
thanks for the chance of some wonderful blog candy!
To me the magic of Christmas is a nativity scene, a choir singing Oh Holy Night, reading the bible in front of a roaring fire, and of course the looks of wonder in my 3 little grandchildren's eyes.
sharing memories with friends and family while celebrating the birth of baby Jesus makes this season magical for me. :)
thanks for the chance to win the cute set!
The magic of Christmas began with the birth of Jesus and I love to share the nativity story with my 5 yr. old daughter. But everything is so exciting - the music, the lights, the tree, decorations, presents, snow, etc!
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