Monday, November 5


I’m in love with Fall!  This year is even better than ever!   The beautiful colors are staying on the tree’s longer than normal.  We have had a few near record temperatures last week in the mid 70’s.  This week is starting off mid 60’s.  It’s crazy to think it’s so nice and it’s November!   My window is open today letting in the fresh air.  

I took this picture early one morning last week.  The sun was coming up and reflecting on the tree’s across the field, behind my house.  I had to get the step stool out so that I could stand and look over the fence.   It looks like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


Here are a few little treats that I passed out for Halloween.

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These two cuties came to visit.


I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful Fall weather too….

Please pray for the East Coast.   My heart goes out to them.  It also makes me proud to see how we as American’s have pulled together to help them.  It is inspiring.  Maybe there is a little hope for our country.


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