This time of year is crazy busy for me. Almost every waking hour that I am at home is spent painting and making things for custom orders and gifts. I don’t do any photography after mid November. Here is a sneak peak of one little thing I’ve painted. (Sorry I can’t post projects here before Christmas). My little Granddaughter Kendall loves the color purple and recently discovered owls. I thought she might like this little ornament.
I also made about 10 of these frames for family and passed them out on Thanksgiving so they could get some use out of them this year. I used various background papers and cut out the verse with vinyl. Isn’t it fun?
The first Saturday in December is a big girls out day. We get up at the crack of dawn and head out to the local Holiday bazaars, vintage shops and Christmas show. It’s usually my Sister, Mom, Daughter in Law and a few friends and lasts ALL DAY! (I really need to convince my daughters to go with us.) We usually have a list of about 15 places we want to go but end up at about half of them. We’re in no hurry. We just want to enjoy each other’s company, hopefully find a couple of gifts and just have fun.
I found this silly black boa at one of the vintage shops and had to show it off. My sister forced me to wear the hat.
Last week I gave a talk at church. It was good for me to take a couple of hours of my time to sit down, study, ponder and prepare. It was a comfort to me. My young women at church did a service project last week for someone in need. This week we will be going caroling throughout the neighborhood and will be passing out goodies. It is the Season of Peace and Love.
I haven’t made any Christmas cards. I haven’t even bought any to send out. That doesn’t mean I don’t care. I can’t do it all and that’s OK. I will spend the next week with Family and just enjoy the Christmas season. We will gather, eat, play games, sing Christmas songs and just enjoy each other’s company. My Family means the world to me and being with them is the best thing ever!
I hope the Spirit of Christmas is with your Family. If you don’t have any family near, go out and serve others. I guarantee it is the best feeling ever and you will be blessed.
Merry Christmas!