My Handyman and I went for a drive down to the Snake River to check out the water levels. Our snowpack this Winter wasn’t very good so we’re expecting a drought. The experts say we’ll be out of irrigation water around mid August this year. We drove to Celebration Park, which is out towards the Owyhee’s, south of Kuna. It was established as Idaho’s only archaeological parks in 1989.
The area was a wintering grounds for the Paiute Indians. There are arrowheads, petroglyphs; a unique Indian art dating back 12000 years and other interesting things to see. We were out in the middle of the desert. The ground is covered with large lava rocks. It’s hot. It’s dry. There isn’t a lot of color except near the water. The water in the river doesn’t seem too low yet.
There are hiking trails everywhere on both sides of the river. We crossed the bridge to take a couple of pictures.
No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trails; only foot, bike and horse traffic. The park is on the Western boundary of the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. You’ll see all kinds of raptors flying around.
I took a quick hike around to find some rocks with petroglyphs.
This one was probably the best. This rock is probably about 6-7 feet tall.
The landscape is barren. The Indians probably wintered here because it is down in a canyon and protected from the wind. Also the river was full of sturgeon and other fish.
Idaho has so many unique and beautiful landscapes. The southern Idaho desert has so many places to explore.
We had a great time on this little adventure. Next time it will be early morning and I’ll be toting my fishing pole.