Saturday, December 5

Gift Tags

I found this site while reading someone else's blog sometime last week... I think?
I've been so busy the days all seem to blend together. Its a fabulous site called Living Life as Art. They have free printable artist gift tags. So many too choose from and OH! SO! Fabulous! Go Check it out HERE

Today is the biggest holiday craft fair Day of the year! Lots of them going on around town. My sister  Sister's and I are going to hang out and check some of them out and go to lunch. We don't ever get to do this. It's going to be a fab time! (Christmas show at the Expo Building, too)  
Tonight is the local Night Light Christmas parade. It going to be very cold so if I decide to go... I'll have to bundle up very good.


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1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I hope you had a great time!